Take Flight, Experience Freedom Blog
Gulfstream G-650
The G-650 is in a constant battle with the Citation X to be the fastest business jet in the world.
Global 5000
The Global 5000 was developed from the XRS and is developing into the Global 7500.
Global 7500
The Global 7500 is the longest range business jet in the world. The name was changed from Global 7000 to Global 7500 after exceeding performance expectations in its proving runs.
Global XRS
The Global XRS was the first of the global line and has set the standard for Ultra-Long-Range aircraft.
Challenger 300
The Challenger 300 was the first clean slate design by bombardier since the Challenger 600 series.
Citation Longitude
The Citation Longitude is currently being developed into the Citation Hemisphere.
Citation Sovereign
The Citation Sovereign’s cabin is 6.6 ft. longer than the Citation XLS.
Citation X
The Citation X currently holds the record as the fastest business jet in production.